Dear Future me,
Don't worry, all things will happen if they are meant too. Stop comparing the past to the present. You left it behind for a reason. So go forward confidently into the future you are working so hard to develop right now.
Keep smiling.... those small worries are concerns will only be forgotten in a year's time. Be thankful for those small blessings that grace your life each day. Even when it seems things are falling apart remember it takes the destruction of all the old to build up all of the new!
Tell the people in your life that you love them. It does not matter how many people are in your life, love the ones that you have. Be grateful that they are placed in your atmosphere and seek out the knowledge and truths that you are meant to learn from them. Even if its only to learn not to be like them.
Choose battles wisely, some people love to fight. Don't be some people! Cherish your inner peace. Allow people to fight themselves. Suppress the need to argue. You don't need to be right. You don't need to prove anyone wrong.
Invest in moments and memories, not things. It's not wrong to have a nice house, a nice car, or nice clothes as long as it is the memories made in that house and the trips taken in that car and where you went with those you love that hold you so dear.
Above all, strive to just be yourself. Find out who you really are and be that person! Never stand on someone else's ground to be who they are. Build your own hill to stand on and look around at the roots you have sown to be who you are.
Love yourself now! Not for who you should be in ten years or ten pounds lighter. Not for the better job or better place you'll be someday. Love you for who you are now, in each and every moment. And live with no regrets because choices are yours!
Future me